Life in the digital crosshairs: The untold story

On Saturday, July 13, 2001, Microsoft was alerted to a nasty piece of malware called “Code Red.” In just two weeks, ABC News reported that the Code Red worm had infected more than 300,000 Windows computers around the world. When the news broke, it was like something straight out of a Tom Clancy novel. Microsoft learned early on that if it was going to succeed at building trust with its customers, it could not make security an afterthought when developing its products and services.

So how do you get a large organization like Microsoft to prioritize security with thousands of developers, writing millions of lines of code? How do you get everyone marching toward the same goal?

We spent time with some of the people behind the scenes in security at Microsoft to discuss their journey and how they helped to fundamentally shift the culture within Microsoft.

Now you can get the never-before told inside story on Microsoft Security: