Did you fall for it? Bing says “April Fools” with joke announcement of Palm Search technology

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Ever wished that your computer would just read your mind to save you some time searching? Well, Microsoft has today announced a new way to search the internet, just by placing the palm of your hand on a computer screen where the Bing Homepage indicates.

Developed by scientists at Bing, ‘Palm Search’ uses “palm vein technology” to interpret unique electrical signals transmitted throughout the body following any particular thought the user is having at that exact moment.

The innovative new search function intelligently analyses the electrical signals transmitted through the hand to calculate the relevant search term.

The palm plan was an April Fools joke

If you’re using a PC, laptop or tablet, visit the Bing homepage and use Palm Search by placing your hand against the screen and simply think about what you’d like to search for.

The future of search is finally here! Give it a try for yourself at www.bing.com

Note: Some users may need to calibrate their screens for Palm Search using the on-screen troubleshooter