Windows 10: Tomorrow is finally here today
Over two days in December (2nd and 3rd) we hosted the ultimate Windows 10 experience for fans and media. The event culminated in a product showcase – where guests had the chance to try out the latest and best Windows 10 kit, from phones to Xbox, as well as tablets, laptops and PCs – whilst the immersive theatre experience submerged attendees in a world where we challenged them to help an Inventor complete his creation.
Arriving at a mysteriously unmarked door off the bustling Charing Cross Road, our destination is unmistakable.
Instantly the door swings open and we’re ushered in, out of the December chill and into an old, abandoned book store. A young man checks us in and offers us a small vial of liquid.
We’re told this will prepare us for what is to come.
Guests are checked in using the new Surface Pro 4. Find out more about this tablet here.
At the top of a narrow stairwell, we’re beckoned through a dimly-lit corridor and into a room that is dark and bare, lit only by a silhouette on the floor. Everything in this room is muted, dimly lit and neglected. It’s clear that this place hasn’t seen many visitors for a while.
The Gatekeeper
In the darkness, someone creeps towards us. He calls himself the Gatekeeper, an assistant to a great Inventor. He relays a tale of The Inventor and his creations, revealing that his greatest invention, 10la, is incomplete and that in order to finish it, he needs our help. We must prove ourselves through a series of challenges.
The Director
Without a choice in the matter, we’re led by the Gatekeeper back through the corridor through which we had come; except this time, it’s different. The walls had moved, revealing a new pathway that seemingly appeared from nowhere.
When we emerge, we find ourselves in the Inventors marketing department – the Director on set is panicking and a temperamental host is having a tantrum as they are without their cast and crew.
It’s clear that this is our first task, and we act quickly to create roles for ourselves, capturing the ‘Action!’ in HD on a Lumia 950XL.
Click here to find out more about the Lumia 950XL.
The Adventurer
“Cut!”. As soon as the Director yells these words, a young woman appears from a hidden doorway that makes up part of the commercial set.
She leads us to a beautifully lit room. It’s striking and colourful, and the walls are covered in maps.
The Adventurer has been slaving over a series of documents in an attempt to crack a secret message from the Inventor that could prove to be the missing piece of the puzzle to complete 10la.
To solve it, we must enter the mind of the Inventor, a perilous mission to retrieve Cyphers, each one with a corresponding code that leads us to the phrase… “One Windows”.
The gratitude of The Adventurer is overwhelming, but our mission is not over yet.
The Chronicler
The Chronicler sits with stoic gravitas in an infinite. From visitors to inhabitants, he writes endlessly, taking every insignificant detail and keeping it for posterity in his ever-expanding library. It is a grand task – too grand for one man.
The Inventor has asked The Chronicler to re-write his own story – the story of his inventions – and present it to him. Assisting with this final task will lead us straight to The Inventor, and 10la.
The Inventor
As we muse over everything we know about fantastical mastermind behind this building and its marvellous creations, we pass from the library into an old Gallery. It is here, that for the first time we are confronted by the Inventor. He seems to know as much about us and our adventure, as we do about him.
As we reveal the pieces of his puzzle we have retrieved on our adventure, his invention, the one he had locked himself away to complete, comes to life.
“There have been many creations before this… 8, in fact. And they’ve all had their strengths. But this one… this one is unique. This time, I have done things differently. This machine is not just ‘another version’. It cannot just be ‘9’. It is 10.
“Friends, every tomorrow I’ve ever dreamt of is finally here today.”
Dare you enter the world of mystery and intrigue? To view the Windows 10 experience, check out the video below
Click here to find out more about how to upgrade to Window 10