Pokémon Go: New tool can detect Pikachu and friends
You’ve caught a Pikachu in the park, a Squirtle in the supermarket and a Bulbasaur at the bus stop.
By now, your Pokémon Go library is probably looking pretty full; and while you’ve got to “catch ’em all”, it can be difficult to keep track of ’em all.
Luckily, Microsoft has come up with a solution. OneDrive now features a Pokémon detector that will automatically upload screenshots of the game that you take. OneDrive can also identify 150 Pokémon, so you can search for your favourite screenshots and share them with your friends.
“When you have the OneDrive app on your phone and camera upload is turned on, the screenshots you take from the game are automatically saved to OneDrive and 150 Pokémon are identified for your searching and viewing pleasure. You can also search for your favourite Pokémon by name,” Douglas Pearce, group program manager for the OneDrive team, said.
The mobile game, in which people search for Pokémon characters in the real world, has become hugely popular since its launch earlier this month. It is now available in more than 35 regions across the world, has topped app download charts and was reportedly installed on more than 15 million devices just a week after it was released.
OneDrive’s Pokémon feature is just one of the new photo updates Microsoft has unveiled.
OneDrive can now detect when you take a few pictures in a particular location within a short amount of time. The program will then choose the best photos and automatically place them in an album.
A new “on this day” feature allows you to see all the pictures you took on a certain day over previous years, while the new “photos view” offers larger preview images and makes them easier to share.