Picture of hot air balloons in Paint 3D on tablet

Five amazing ways you can use Paint 3D in the classroom

Paint 3D is a free tool in Windows 10 that let’s everyone be creative, whether you are a professional artist or just like to doodle.

Microsoft has taken Classic Paint and updated the look and feel, with lots of new brushes and tools. You can also create 3D models that can be played with from all angles.

This is why Paint 3D is perfect for unlocking kids’ creativity at school in a range of subjects. Here are a few ideas to get you started:


In the video below, we join Microsoft Creative Director Jennifer O’Brien to discover how a simple cell biology lesson starter activity can be enhanced with Paint 3D.

The activity creates a compelling cross-section of a volcano, going from a 2D image to a 3D representation that can be integrated within PowerPoint.

In a longer activity we see the creation of a compelling volcano cross-section: going from 2D to a 3D representation that can be integrated within PowerPoint.


In this video, we visit the Paint 3D studio to hear from Product Innovation Lead Andy Huntington about how Paint 3D can be used with models from Remix 3D to spark discussion in the classroom around technological milestones.

A second activity focuses on using the tools built into Paint 3D to create personalised models with ranged outcomes and for quick 3D printing.


In this video, we join Paint 3D Art Director Marcus Tanner, who demonstrates the simple process of creating a 3D model as an ice-breaker activity.

In a longer activity, ergonomics and human factors are introduced as we create a new piece of furniture: combining the digital and physical world with Mixed Reality Viewer in a Design and Technology lesson.

Using Paint 3D enables rapid experimentation and prompts exciting new creative outcomes.


In this video, Paul Clarke (a teacher and artist in residence at Paint 3D) demonstrates ways in which Paint 3D can support the arts curriculum.

First, he takes us through an objective-focused activity to create mythical creatures from photos using the Magic select tool in Paint 3D.

Secondly, he creates a 3D fictional illustration using models from Remix 3D and hand-drawn elements. The finished scene is placed directly into Word alongside a poem.


In this video, we join Senior Program Manager Danielle Schmitt to see how Paint 3D can be used to create interactive maths resources.

As a starter activity, a puzzle is shown in 3D to be solved by students, while a longer activity explores Shape and Measure.

We see how creating 3D models and viewing them in Mixed Reality can present difficult abstract concepts in a fun and engaging way for students.