Help Doctor Who save the universe with Skype’s new interactive bot

Do you have what it takes to be Doctor Who‘s companion and save the universe?

Skype has teamed up with BBC Worldwide to release a new online interactive adventure featuring the Time Lord.

A Doctor Who bot interacts with users via text, video and gifs to help them complete six intergalactic challenges that are set in a range of locations, including historic London and Triton, Neptune’s largest moon.

Your mission is to help the Doctor, played by actor Peter Capaldi, find the six segments of the Key of Time – an ancient and powerful artifact that could decide the fate of the universe.

The adventure has been written by Joseph Lidster, who is best known for his work on the Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood.

To add the Doctor Who Bot on Skype, which has also unveiled new Time Lord Mojis, search for “Doctor Who Bot” in the Skype Bot Directory, read the bot’s profile and terms, and then click “Add to Contacts”.

It’s not the first time Skype has given its users an interactive bot.

Last month, the company released a Heston Blumenthal bot that taught people how to cook.

The Michelin-star chef offered stories, recipes, tips and experiments via instant messages and photos, so users could create the perfect meal in their own kitchen.

The “Heston Bot” offered new recipes every month based on different seasons and themes, while cooking information, stories and chats was be sent between the episodes.

In November last year Skype released a Doctor Strange bot, which helped users become the Marvel superhero’s assistant.

Late last year, the company also revealed it had helped a series of companies release Skype bots to make it easier for customers to shop. These included UPS, Expedia and StubHub.

Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella said in 2016 that pairing “the power of natural human language with advanced machine intelligence” will enable organisations and consumers to get more done and have more fun. Skype vowed to continue that work in 2017, and the Doctor Who bot is just the latest in a series of co-ordinated investments across Microsoft that bring together artificial intelligence and conversational computing.